Bilad Ash-Sham Past, Present, Future – Talk 2 – Dr Yousaf Abu Harith

Bilad Ash-Sham Past, Present, Future – Talk 2 – Dr Yousaf Abu Harith

Bilad Ash-Sham Past, Present, Future – Talk 2 – Dr Yousaf Abu Harith

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

Speaker: Dr Yousaf Abu Harith -31st March 2012 -Nottingham, UKSahaba like Bilal (RA) and Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) buried in Damascus. Great scholars like Imam Al-Nawawi were Ash-Sham. Assad’s regime UN, Arab league and Western intervention. People massacred whilst calling for the removal of Assad’s regime and implementation of Islam. The tyrannical regime responds by shooting its people during Janazah prayers. The Prophet (SAW) said: “The heartland of the Abode of Islam is Ash-Sham” [Haythami]

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