Coronavirus #12 – Coronavirus and the collapse of the World Order- LIVE with Dr. Mohammad Malkawi

Coronavirus #12 – Coronavirus and the collapse of the World Order- LIVE with Dr. Mohammad Malkawi

Coronavirus #12 – Coronavirus and the collapse of the World Order- LIVE with Dr. Mohammad Malkawi

April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020

The immediate cause of the collapse is growing at high rate within the global crisis of Corona, regardless of who was behind it, how created and how it spread. The important thing is that the global situation today is ready for a change, and the conditions closely resemble those which led to the 2008 collapse after Hurricane Katrina and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Join BR. Taji as he welcomes Dr.Mohammad Malkawi to discuss the Coronavirus as aimpetus to the collapse of the World Order.






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