Ending Occupation and Restoring Dignity in Palestine-Dr Abdul Wahid

Ending Occupation and Restoring Dignity in Palestine-Dr Abdul Wahid

Ending Occupation and Restoring Dignity in Palestine-Dr Abdul Wahid

May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021

The issue of Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine is a deep wound that has been inflicted upon the Muslims for over 70 years.  Again we see the brutal violation of the Muslim in the sacred land.

  • How can such events take place in the blessed month of Ramadan in the blessed land of Palestine?
  • How can we ensure events like this never happen again?
  • What must we do to aid our brothers and sisters in Palestine?

Discover the answers through this very detailed and informative presentation on the solution to this crisis.

Source https://youtu.be/2QTYXVd-H9M

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