iHalaqa Update Coming Soon, The New iPhone 5s 5c

iHalaqa Update Coming Soon, The New iPhone 5s 5c

iHalaqa Update Coming Soon, The New iPhone 5s 5c

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

How do you set a trend? Rasoolullah (saw) started with an idea, a set of beliefs and a vision. This idea became a reality and this vision manifested itself as the establishment of Islam in its entirety when Allah (swt) revealed the following verses: …This day I have perfected for you your deen and completed my favour upon you and chosen for you Islam as a deen… Today we have a situation whereby our ideas are murky, our beliefs are strong but our vision is blurry. Some seem to think that what we once had is far too hard to achieve once again. We do this even though we are very quick to catch on with the latest material trends in the West – take, for example, all the hype with the new iphone. However, the Muslims have started to rise. Alhamdulillah, the Muslims have started to wake up. There is a trend that is catching on quickly all around the world among Muslims. One has to ask…Are you following this trend that is the call for the establishment of Islam in its entirety?

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