International Women’s day: Celebration or Sorrow?

International Women’s day: Celebration or Sorrow?

International Women’s day: Celebration or Sorrow?

March 12, 2022
March 12, 2022

International women’s day in which women come together globally to celebrate the political, social and economic inroads that women have made in the last century.

The discussion of women’s rights began to take shape in the early 1800s when women were denied the right to vote, denied the right to own property, they were denied entitled entitlement to inheritance, denied education and were generally employed as home helps and paid a meager wage.

It is often said that Women globally have made some progress since the industrial revolution when scores of women entered the work place. 

However, a closer scrutiny at the real situation draws a much different picture.

Join us as the speaker provides understanding on the rights granted to women and the real protection and nurturing that can only be provided with the implementation of Islam.

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