Iraq crISIS – Is the Khilafah Re-established Q&A Session

Iraq crISIS – Is the Khilafah Re-established Q&A Session

Iraq crISIS – Is the Khilafah Re-established Q&A Session

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

Islam’s Requirements for Khilafah State – Hizb ut-Tahrir America –For the video of the lecture please visit “Islamic State in Iraq & Sham” (ISIS) group announced the re-establishment of the Khilafah in some areas of Iraq & Syria on Sunday June 29th the first day of Ramadan. The group appointed Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (the leader of ISIS) as the Khalifah and changed its name from ISIS to “Islamic State” (IS). Later IS requested the Muslims to give bayah to Al-Baghdadi. In light of these developments Hizb ut Tahrir — America organized a lecture followed by iftar on Friday July 11th to discuss this announcement, its legitimacy and what constitutes an Islamic State (Khilafah).

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