Knowing the Problem is Fard for the Solution Provider Surah Ar-Rum

Knowing the Problem is Fard for the Solution Provider Surah Ar-Rum

Knowing the Problem is Fard for the Solution Provider Surah Ar-Rum

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

DAY 17: Knowing the Problem is Fard for the Solution Provider |Surah Ar-Rum| iHalaqa Ramadan Bytes — “Whoever wakes up in the morning and does not have a concern about the Muslims affairs, Indeed he is not from amongst us” –Ramadan is a month were the Muslims reflect and think about the situation of the Ummah, making duas for them especially those who are oppressed. We as Muslim should carry this concern always, and try to raise awareness to others and find out what is the comprehensive solutions to the ummahs problems.

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