Knowledge of Iman & Righteous Deeds Abdul Wahab Jibrin iHalaqa Classroom

Knowledge of Iman & Righteous Deeds Abdul Wahab Jibrin iHalaqa Classroom

Knowledge of Iman & Righteous Deeds Abdul Wahab Jibrin iHalaqa Classroom

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

Knowledge of Iman & Righteous Deeds | Abdul Wahab Jibrin | — One of the top 5 narrators of Hadith Anas Bin malik, he spent 20years in Jihad after the Prophets (saw) death, and spent the rest teaching and died in his late 90’s-100. He was once asked due to his illustrious life: the people asked, ‘please teach us, we want to learn’. He (ra) replied: “Learn what you want to learn, Allah is concerned with your actions.”

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