Women and Girls deserve Justice but who is Responsible?

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Fact: We live in a WORLD where girls as little as 10 years old are pregnant. Fact: We live in a WORLD where rape, assault, and harassment is a norm for girls and women. Fact:... Keep Reading »

The Unique Generation post Sept. 11 (9/11)

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For Muslims who grew up in the shadow of 9/11, the last 20 years have been a time of fear, harassment, and suspicion. But what about Generation Z– the generation that defined by those born... Keep Reading »

Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack

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Afghanistan Update Aug 27 2021- Kabul Airport Attack With the recent explosions at Kabul Airport, was there anything more that we learned? Has this openly re-affirmed the US continued presence in Afghanistan? What steps should... Keep Reading »