Taraweeh Reflections Day 9 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

Taraweeh Reflections Day 9 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

Taraweeh Reflections Day 9 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023

In today’s Taraweeh Reflections Day 9, the Sheik brings forth a poignant discussion revolving around Surah At-Tawbah verse 31.  This verse holds great relevance for Muslims in contemporary times. The verse conveys how the Yuhud took their rabbis and monks as their Lords besides Allah(swt), obeying them in matters they made lawful or unlawful according to their desires.

While emphasizing the importance of scholars in Islam, it is crucial for us to recognize that following them should only be in the context of understanding Allah’s commands from the Sharia.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3-0Po1UsTY

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