The Fiqh of Minorities Muslims living in the west. Identity Tradition Rules and exceptions

The Fiqh of Minorities Muslims living in the west. Identity Tradition Rules and exceptions

The Fiqh of Minorities Muslims living in the west. Identity Tradition Rules and exceptions

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

* Does our situation require NEW RULES specifically for our situation?* Does our situation require a NEW INTERPRETATION of Islam?
* Does it mean we can mould a NEW IDENTITY based on these changed rules and situations?
* Or should we stick to past norms and traditions established centuries ago?
* What happens when our Islamic tradition and practice CONFLICT with modern western identity, its economy and legal systems?
Muslims living in the west today often find themselves in a difficult position. As an Ummah, we have never before experienced the existence we find ourselves in today. It is a situation which
* SPEAKER: Ustadh Rian Wiramihardja.
Organised by: Hizb ut Tahrir Australia.

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