WHO IS AHMAD Sh Wessam Cherkawi ISOC UNSW Islamic Awareness Week 2012

WHO IS AHMAD Sh Wessam Cherkawi ISOC UNSW Islamic Awareness Week 2012

WHO IS AHMAD Sh Wessam Cherkawi ISOC UNSW Islamic Awareness Week 2012

August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019

LAUNCH EVENT: WHO IS AHMAD? Sheikh Wessam Cherkawi
The Islamic Society of the University of New South Wales (ISOC) invites you to its major awareness campaign for 2012 — Islamic Awareness Week 2012 — our most exciting and comprehensive yet. We delve into the questions people have about Islam, and give you a bit of everything — Islamic history, Islamic practices, Islamic culture, beliefs, its views on women, its economics, and everything in between. Througha series of exciting talks by energetic and engaging speakers, multicultural food events, movie nights and our big final event, we invite you to open your mind, critique, inquire and learn about the way of life subscribed to by 1.5 billion.

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