Warning to those who convey Islam- Surah Al-Lahab – Surah Al-Masad

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The speaker uses the incidents surrounding the revelation of Surah Al-Lahab(Surah Al Masad – 111) to brilliantly illuminate the firmness of the delivery of the message of Islam by the Prophet Muhammad (saw). SubhanAllah, the... Keep Reading »

What makes a Confident Muslim?

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Muslims have been left distant from the Islamic culture – and though the Clear love of Islam remains undiminished and in fact is growing. Unfortunately, pragmatism, compromise and incorrect argumentation often characterize Muslim responses to... Keep Reading »

Understanding Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) – the Most High -Surah Al A’ala 1-7

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No Muslim will deny the fact that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) is the creator of Mankind. However, there persists ideas on evolution (i.e. man coming from apes), accepting rulings other than what Allah(سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ ) has... Keep Reading »

Holding Back in Conveying Islam Holding Back in Conveying Islam

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As the speaker continues with understanding of Surah Takwir Ayats 15-29, we come across the mission of the Prophet ﷺ . The Prophet ﷺ  was sent by Allahسُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ with Islam, with a mission to make it prevail... Keep Reading »

Does Islamic Shariah take humanity back or move it forward?

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Clearly, American & the West fear Sharia- Islam’s legal framework. The fear permeates from falsehoods about Islam and many of them center on what sharia is and what it is not. Join the speaker as... Keep Reading »

What Mankind will be asked about Women’s Rights on the Day of Judgment?

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Surah At-Takwir (Verses 1-14) opens up with some shocking and mind shattering descriptions on the physical events of the day of judgment. One of the most impactful is the testimony of the girl‑child buried alive asking... Keep Reading »

Achieving the Ultimate Muslim Goals

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Regardless of the beginning of a common era calendar year (2022) or the beginning of a Islamic/Hijri Year, Muslims have attainable Goals. What are these Goals? How do we achieve them? What does success in... Keep Reading »

A guide to refuting LGBT

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Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: How to Perform Salat Al-Kusoof

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North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the steps on... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Islam & The Solar Eclipse: The Sign & The Sunnah

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North America will witness a total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. As Muslims, the solar eclipse is a time to remember and worship Allah (swt). In this video, we show you the evidences from... Keep Reading »