Reflection on Lessons from Ramadan- Enjoining Good in Times of Global Crisis

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As we reflect back on the recently concluded month of Ramadan, let’s explore how the practices of fasting (‘siyam’), nightly prayers (‘qiyam’), and almsgiving (‘sadaqah’) can extend  beyond our personal ibadah to significantly impact our... Keep Reading »

Journey Through Rabi-ul-Awal Narratives & Teachings

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It’s the month of Rabi-ul-Awal! A month of monumental moments – from Prophet Muhammad(saw) hijrah, to epic battles and lessons on unity. Ever wondered why the Prophet Muhammad(saw) was buried three days after his death?... Keep Reading »

Navigating the Cave-An In-depth Analysis of Surah Al-Kahf

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In this enlightening discussion, the Sheik embarks on a deep exploration of the significance and interpretation of Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave), a chapter from the Quran where the first and last ten ayah’s are recommended... Keep Reading »

Taraweeh Reflections Day 22 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri 2023

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On the 22nd night of Taraweeh Reflections, we delve into verses from Surah Al-Fatir, specifically verses 27-28. SubhanAllah, as we immerse ourselves in the beautiful descriptions of Allah’s(swt) creations, we contemplate the different colors of... Keep Reading »

Taraweeh Reflections Day 1 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri

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Taraweeh Reflections Day 1 – Ramadan 1444 Hijri The speaker reflects on the significance of the month of Ramadan and the Quran, focusing on the first few chapters of Surah Al-Baqarah. The Chapters note the... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #3 Muslims are FAR from Islam

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Some say that muslims are far away from Islam and not ready for the Khilafah. Some say that until all Muslims are practising, our situation will not change. Some hold the view that if your... Keep Reading »