What is Difference of Opinion- Ikhtilaf in simple terms?

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It is often argued that difference of opinion causes division, sectarianism, partisanship and conflict within societies. However, Ikhtilaf or difference of opinion between Muslims has existed as long as Islam itself. While it is indeed... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Becoming a Lion of Islam

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Youth Presentation: Becoming a Lion of Islam Mention the word “Lion” and it immediately evokes qualities of bravery, strength, and valor.  These attributes are rightfully attributed to our Sahaba- radiyallahu ‘anhum.  Join this speaker as... Keep Reading »

Kyle Rittenhouse & Ahmaud Arbery- Was Justice Served?

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Kyle Rittenhouse and the Ahmaud Arbery cases saw similar claims of self-defense but far different outcomes. Prosecutors in Georgia and in Wisconsin both used show-and-tell techniques, displaying the guns that were fired with deadly results.... Keep Reading »

Wind, Cold, Rain, Snow- What is the Solution for the Homeless?

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Wind, Cold, Rain, Snow! No one deserves to be left on the streets in these conditions, but for many men, women, and children in the US and abroad, the street is their home. What is... Keep Reading »

What is considered shirk in today‘s reality?

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In terms of Sharee’ah or Islamic terminology, shirk means ascribing a partner or rival to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) in Lordship (ruboobiyyah), worship or in His names and attributes. How can one fall into the trap... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: How to cultivate a Tawakkul (Reliance) Mindset

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Muslims must make absolute Tawakkul or reliance on Allah. What does that mean?  How can youth create a mindset of “reliance” on Allah (سبحانه وتعالى)to overcome the pressures of school, society, and the future? Join... Keep Reading »