Youth Presentation: Welcoming Dhul Hijjah

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Plan for the Day of Arafat. The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah is the Day of Arafat. It is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of Arafat to pray. This day holds great... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Day of Arafat Planner

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Plan for the Day of Arafat. The ninth day of Dhul Hijjah is the Day of Arafat. It is the day when pilgrims stand on the plain of Arafat to pray. This day holds great... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Is there income taxes in Islam?

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As they say, tax is one of the very few aspects of life which are certain alongside death. Taxation is a system used to raise money in order to finance government spending in areas such... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Back to School with Islamic Learning

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Subscribe to Pristine Message’s official YouTube channel: Pristine Message… With online, in-person, and hybrid learning making the start of this school year even more confusing, the Sisters of Pristine Message and The Little Bros... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Should Muslims Vote?

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“BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT VOTING, WATCH THIS PODCAST! Let me ask you a few questions: Do you know what voting in the democratic elections means, from the Islamic perspective? Should, or rather can we select... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Failed Leadership vs Islamic Leadership

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Rather than focusing on affairs vital to the people, the candidates focus on scoring petty points as if they?re on a reality TV show. Leader after leader we see the continuance of racism, economic disparity,... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Morality & Need For a Creator

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How do we judge if something is moral or immoral, right or wrong? Is it based on what our society today deems acceptable or unacceptable? Or do we need to believe in a Creator to... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: How to Pray Salatul Istikhaarah

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Have you ever been in a situation where you felt unsure about the next steps to take? A situation where all of your options are halal (permissible), but you don?t know which option is the... Keep Reading »

Youth Presentation: Deen One Episode 1 – What is the importance of Muharram and Ashura?

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Asalaamu Alaikum, With the Grace & Blessings of Allah (swt), Deen One is dropping our first Podcast on Muharram & Ashurah. We all know the month of Muhurram comes with many blessings and opportunities including... Keep Reading »

How to Establish Salatul Jummu’ah at School

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Praying Salatul Jummu’ah is an obligation on every Muslim male who has reached the age of puberty. Generally, by the time students reach high school they have reached puberty and must fulfill their obligations to... Keep Reading »