Take a Look #1 – Aya Sofia Reverts to a Masjid

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Aya Sofia: Answering the Critics Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL1X2iojH4mBjf-uem3D31g/videos Keep Reading »

Take a Look #2 Erdogan and Imran Khan Are they better than other leaders

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How should we view leaders like Erdogan and Imran Khan? Some say, ?They do more than others and are supportive of Islam and Islamic issues like Palestine?. ?Isn?t it better they do something rather than... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #3 Muslims are FAR from Islam

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Some say that muslims are far away from Islam and not ready for the Khilafah. Some say that until all Muslims are practising, our situation will not change. Some hold the view that if your... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #4 Muslims are too Divided

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Is the ummah far too divided? We hear things like: – ?If we can?t even agree which is the right way to pray, how can we have a Khilafah?? – ?If a deobandi or a... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #5 Beirut Explosion

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Take a Look #6 UAE Peace Deal

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The UAE has become yet another Muslim country to make peace with the Zionist Occupiers This follows Egypt, Jordan and Turkey. – Will this be a prelude to peace, as it has been claimed by... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #9 Is the West Better Than Islam Because They Believe in Freedom

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Emmanuel Macron said “Islam is in crisis around the world”. The West assume they are superior to Islam because they are based on FREEDOM. A Muslim is free to practise their religion and a non... Keep Reading »

Take a Look #10 Why were the QURAYSH not won over by the character of the Prophet saw

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The Prophet? had the best character and the best behavior. Yet, he was rejected by the people the who knew him the best. So the question arises; Is it possible to demonstrate Islam and invite... Keep Reading »